Event Manager Guide

Mar 13, 2025, 20:30


For more than 20 years, Cum Laude Events has been surprising its clients from various activity sectors with events of superior quality.

Whatever event you may be thinking of: a large-scale launch of a new product, a dazzling staff party, a sportive excursion with a privileged limited number of people, a festive inauguration reception or a business congress for a selected group: no challenge is too high for us.

We create the concepts and monitor their realization from start to finish. 


Area: Antwerp

Subsegment: BtoB Event Agencies, Convention Bureaus, DMC, Field Marketing Agencies, Incentives & Business Travel, Public Events


Website: http://www.cum-laude.be

Contact: info@clevents.be

Telephone: +32 (0)3 829 09 53

Company Presentation



Spoorweglaan 7 2610 ANTWERPEN